Saturday 15 May 2010

South Africa 2010 - Group A

The purpose of this blog (and the next few) is to offer a preview of each team, by group, and an easy guide to refer to during the month's festivities.

World Cup 2010, South Africa, Group A
South Africa

I am sure you will agree that this is an absolute crackerjack of a group to kick things off with in South Africa. Two Latin American sides, the hosts and a touch of Gallic flair.

South Africa

Population: 49,320,000
Capital: Johannesburg

National Dish: Bobotie - a spiced mincemeat dish with an egg-based topping
National Dress: Madiba Shirt - a batik silk shirt, a personal favourite of Nelson Mandela
Greatest Invention: The heart transplant
Most Famous Supporter: Nelson Mandela

FIFA ignored the advice for tourists to keep
eye on one's possessions at all times

Nickname: Bafana Bafana (The Boys)
Most famous player: Lucas Radebe
World Cup Record: Round 1 '98 and '02
Prediction: Another round 1 exit beckons, but the crowd could hold the key.


Population: 111,211,789
Capital: Mexico City
National Dish: Enchillada, Quesadilla, Guacamole
National Dress: Sombrero, Mariachi Suit
Greatest Invention: Tequila
Most Famous Supporter: Elsa Benitez

The key to the Mexican challenge is
much potency they have upfront

Nickname: El Tri
Most famous player: Cuauhtemoc Blanco
World Cup Record: Quarter Finals '70 and '86
Prediction: A two horse race between themselves and Uruguay for the second spot in the group. Too close to predict a definitive outcome.


Population: 3,494,382
Capital: Montevideo
National Dish: Chivito - steak sandwich with olives, mozzarella, tomatoes and bacon.
National Dress: Gaucho cowboy outfits
Greatest Invention: A car than runs on compressed air
Most Famous Supporter: Natalia Oreiro

Oh dear! That isn't Natalia!

Nickname: Charruas, La Celeste Olimpica
Most famous player: Obdulio Valera
World Cup Record: Winners '30 and '50
Prediction: Between them and their Latin American cousins for the spot behind France


Population: 65,447,374
Capital: Paris
National Dish: Snails and other creatures found in the garden

National Dress: Hooped shirts and Berets
Greatest Invention: Melissa Theuriau
Most Famous Supporter: Melissa Theuriau

Miettes! (Crumbs!)

Nickname: Les Bleus
Most famous player: Zinedine Zidane (for that headbutt)
World Cup Record: '98 Winners
Prediction: Top of the group. Top of the World?

Quote of the Day: "Never underestimate the bravery of the French. For it was they that discovered you could eat snails."- Anon.

Word of the Day: Adoxography - Skilled writing on an unimportant subject

Thursday 6 May 2010

X Marks the Box!

Election fever has gripped the country as an X-factor type show has dominated our lives for the past 5 weeks. As Neil Young once crooned... "Tonight's the night..."

I wasn't quite sure which way to vote, so I referred to a trusty guide that every floating voter should refer to...

As it turns out, an administration error meant that I was not able to soil my vote... sorry... spoil my ballot paper.


Exclusive to 'thebaronoflondon' blog, our busy party leaders managed to take time out of their hectic schedules to answer an assortment of essential questions the public deserve to know..

We shall begin with the current holder of the no. 10 keys, Mr Gordon Brown.

Gordon, good of you to join me and take time out of your election campaign.

My pleasure Baron of London.

How have things been going so far? Not too badly. I do miss my Kitkats though. Nine bananas a day are taking their toll on me and my support crew. Good job Labour managed to quell the volcano
as bananas are always the first thing to be rationed.

Right. You had a spot of bother with an elderly lady from Rochdale. Do you think you might have lost some ground with that blooper?
I would hope that the electorate would forgive me. I am a man after all and it was a barage of incessant nagging. Us men always say things we don't necessarily mean. Just ask Sarah.

True. When are you at your happiest?
Probably on a Saturday afternoon at home. Sarah is looking after the family, there is an air of tranquility and I am keeping one eye on the football scores.

Ha ha! Oh... What do you think you would be doing now if you weren't a politician?
I'd like to see myself as an entrepreneur. Long before all these Cash4Gold shops popped up, I devised the theory of selling gold on the cheap so that someone could then profit from it.

Much has been made of your relationship with Tony and Cherie. Is it strained?
I shan't comment on that, but I expect them to vote for me.

Have you been in the booth yourself?
No, can't stand the woman.

Ah yes. On to more important matters. What's your favourite, Chinese or Indian?
Indian. Sarah would suggest Chinese as it is generally better for the waist line, but I do love a good Balti and a Peshwari Naan.

Butter or Margarine?
Sarah has stopped buying butter and I am not allowed down to the shops that sell Buckfast wine, so margarine suffices.

What would you like people to remember most about you?
The man who won a second term against all the odds.

Ha ha. Good one. What's blue and invisible? Tory policies?

Thank you, Gordon.
No, thank you.

Good morning David
Good morning, please call me Dave.

Right. Dave. How are things going?
I've just spent the last 24 hours working my wa
y through Britain from the Northern region to the Southern region. I was conversing with some factory men and women at 4am and ended up in a fish market. To be honest, it has been tiring, but an awful lot of fun.

Do you feel that your private education means that you are an out of touch outsider and do not appeal to the electorate?
I don't see why it should. Everyone struggles on a personal level. You just need to watch your back and hope they grow tired of it.

Are you feeling confident that you have done enough?
I would like to think so. We are offering Britain and change and I feel that we are the party that represents the whole of Britain. We can change Britain. Yes, we can. Yes, we can...

Hold on. I've heard that last bit before. When are you at your happiest?
When I'm with my family and when I am riding my bicycle.

Ah yes, you've been married to her for quite a while.

Onto more serious matters. Are you a lager or bitter man?
I'm not a bitter man, but I will be if Gordon manages to cling onto power.

Fnar. Fnar. Chinese or Indian?
Difficult to pick, both necessary evils but as long as we keep the Trident, we should be OK.

Uh... Thanks to for talking to BaronofLondon.
An absolute pleasure. Remember to tick the blue square.

I thought it was a cross... never mind.

Good afternoon Nick. How are you feeling?
Not bad. Not bad at all. We are making headway and it is no longer a two horse race.

Indeed, much unlike the Scottish Premiership. Things are looking a rosier for the Lib Dems. You performed very well on the electoral debates. Did you enjoy yourself?
I did, very much so. Gordon and David had very little to gain. For a long time, we have lurched from one disaster to another and I think the country needs some yellow

Sounds a bit like an AA meeting. I read that your grandmother was a Russian Baroness and narrowly escaped death from the hands of the Bolsheviks?
Ah yes, I don't like to dwell to much on the past, but I am very proud of my ancestry.

You married a rather svelte Spanish girl, some might say you are a winner whatever the outcome.
Ha ha. Yes. Miriam is a fiery and flamboyant character. Never a moment peace at home.

How will you spend tomorrow morning, after the campaigning has closed and all the votes are in?
I normally go for a jog, but if results are good, I might meet Charles Kennedy for a swift one before the pubs open.

Chinese or Indian?

I can't choose. Both have their merits.

Best of luck with the results and for the future.
Many thanks, Baron.

Good afternoon Nick, how are you feeling?
Pretty good. I'd like to think we are moving forward.

You have a habit of attracting controversy. Do you think the BNP carry a valuable message?

Absolutely. We don't ask for anything of our foreign counterparts and we should expect nothing back from them. Britain needs to be cleansed and I see myself (and the BNP) as a lotion to carry that out.

You seem to end up with a fair amount of food substances on your clothing. Do you have a personal dresser?
Good lord, no. I wear what is comfortable. Sadly, it is almost impossible to buy a suit th
at is stitched in England. We want to change that.

You far side parting reminds me of someone...
Jackie Charlton?

Moving onto more important issues. Are you a lager or bitter man?
I do like Bombardier and other English beers.

What about a Belgian Beer? They produce some top quality tipples.

Chinese or Indian?

Is this some kind of sick joke?

[Nick Griffin walks out of the interview]

Er, thanks Nick.

nfortunately, Caroline Lucas had a hemp manufacturing and yoghurt weaving workshop, so was not able to attend.

Her personal assistant sent this...

"Dear Baron,

Thank you for contacting me. I regret that I am not able to meet you due to an alternative arrangement. I look forward to talking to you in the future.

Best regards,

Caroline Lucas MEP."

That is all.

[This interview was conducted by satellite phone]

Hi Nige. How's it going?

I would rather you called me Nigel.

Oh, sorry. The UKIP is a bit of a non-entity. How are you going to change that?
We believe that [static]

The interview was cut short due to some sort of technical failure on the plane. Early reports suggest a crash has happened, caused by their banner getting caught in the engine. Their message was swallowed. First time for everything, I guess. . Everyone here at the Baron of London wishes Nigel Farage and the rest of the crew well.

Various other party leaders were contacted, but failed to respond.

Whatever the weather, it is going to be a turbulent time (sorry Nige...Nigel) for Britain. We have a mountain of debt that dwarfs Tony Blair's ego. I wish you all well and hope that you get the results you were voting for.

Good luck and godspeed.

(This article is based upon fiction only)

Word of the Day: Stikhedonia - The pleasure of being able to say 'To hell with it!'

Quote of the Day: "If you can't convince them, confuse them" - Harry S. Truman

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Happy STAR WARS Day!

May the 4th be with you.

Salsa, Sambucca and s...

Strict rules permit me to say nothing about Wizzy's 'Men Do' other than that it was a blast and shall live long in the memory - apart from the few hours that Wizzy and Ross lost.

Word of the Day: Accubation - the art of drinking or eating whilst lying down

Quote of the Day:
"Love: a temporary insanity, cured by marriage"