Monday 1 June 2009

Training for the slog to Bristol... officially underway, for me at least - Therese started many moons ago.

Richmond Park was the venue for the two battle-hardened explorers (Myself and Therese). Rather than a vigorous work out, it was more of a gentle cycle to test the water and build up to the big one. I have ignored my trusty velocipede (yes, I have swallowed a Thesaurus) of late and it was like reacquainting myself with an old friend, although I would not sit on said old friend, obviously. According to a route tracker website, we covered just over 9 miles in We did pass The Priory on the way home and I can tell you now that we did not see Susan Boyle, 'The Pap', Simon Cowell, Lord Lucan (Hide and Seek Champion for the 34th year running), John Darwin (The canoeist who was trying to win Hide and Seek Champion of the Year from Lord Lucan) or Max Clifford.

If you do wish to sponsor the gallant efforts then please find this link and donate

Whilst it was, obviously, not the full distance that we shall have to travel in each of the two days, I think we are going to be just fine and dandy. To put your worries to bed, I shall not be partaking swathed in lycra. Although I am considering fancy dress - Suggestions are welcome in the comments section, which is now fixed.

Is everyone else enjoying this spell of GLORIOUS weather? It is amazing how some sunshine can change your whole attitude to life. Everyone is smiling. I have a new found spring in my step. Hard to believe that there is such unrest in the Middle East with the amount of sunshine that they monopolise. Imagine the carnage if they suffered from the same climate as we do here in Britain! Definitely spells like these that I do not miss sitting in front of a computer (apart from now) tapping away with the sun shining and the birds chirping away merrily outside. I know, I can hear the groans, talking about the weather again!

The weekend was spent outdoors (a slight break for the FA Cup), starting with a barbeque at Chez Adam, my great friend and future.....groom? I mean to say that I am to be his Best Man, but not sure what I would call him..? You can't go wrong with Spare Ribs or Peri-Peri Chicken, throw in some Spanish beer and some plonk and one shall be as happy as Larry, whoever Larry is

Saturday evening was spent, with four Scots, on the Thames. Rather pleasant to catch up with the Scottish contingent. Despite numerous instances of dialectual problems, things seemed to go swimmingly. I must work on NOT singing my various signature songs to the rest of central London or could I make a career of itThe Tattershall Boat, opposite Embankment, served us well as it has done in the past (explained in a later blog - sorry Wizzy). Lunch in Pall Mall, with the parents, was the perfect way to wash away the cobwebs of copious amounts of overpriced drink. Although I might steer clear of the potted shrimps next time.

I shall leave it at that for the time being.

Word of the Day: Gambrinous - Being full of beer...!

Quote of the Day: 'I've just looked up the word 'politics' in the dictionary and it says it's a combination of two words: 'poli': which means many. And 'tics' which means bloodsuckers - Max Kauffmann

Bon nuit.

Don't forget!

1 comment:

  1. wear a tutu, as all ballerina's will vouch helps with aero-dynamics
