Monday 26 April 2010

Ayr and Graces

I am limited as to what I can say; this was a stag do and shall remain secretive... to some extent.

I did win twice on the horses. Only because I bet on the same horse, in the same race by accident. I thought I recognised that name. Thank you 'Devotion to Duty' for hanging in there and giving me a windfall close to a massive £30.

T'was a fantastic weekend. Twelve Scots and a token Englishmen did their very best to wreak havoc upon the wee bonny Scotland. I am sure some more shall be revealed at the best man speech and in many years to come.

Merigo finished top of the pile (not an actual pile, just to clarify
for the animal rights protestors).

Highlight: Scott dressed as Morph - "He hasn't been the same since Tony Hart died". A failed interviewee for the part of the Power Rangers.

Lowlight: A forty minute wait for my Saturday breakfast

LowLowLight: Richard Branson thieving £108 for a ticket to London.

Ayr was a fantastic venue. You could not fail to lose the group. "Have you seen the red man?" and you would be pointed in their direction.

It was a fake tan convention of the very best, afterall, the Scotch lovelies have been wrapped up in sheepskin for quite some time.

A round of applause for Ayr, Jim and all the velvets (and their cronies) for organising such a thoroughly enjoyable time.

Word of the Day: Dapples - Round, coloured markings on a horses coat.

Quote of the Day: "Silence is the most powerful scream" - Anon

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