If you could think of a more inappropriate name for the covering journalist, I would be very impressed. The article in this case was written by a certain 'Roger Boyes', I kid you not. Aside from this particular article, what were his parents thinking?

I started to think about other odd and unusual names and delved into the World Wide Web to satisfy my curiosity.
Actually before I start, I used to work (many moons ago) with a Chris Peacock and went to school with a fellow called Andy Faggott (pronounced fay-go).
Here is a short list of names I discovered... Real people, still alive, some now departed.
Justin Case
Barb Dwyer
Stan Still - A retired airman who said it was "a blooming millstone around my neck my whole life"
Rose Bush
Annette Curtain
Tim Burr
Some further research found a little article on Cornish names from the late 18th century.
Susan Booze
Elizabeth Disco
Edward Evil
Truth Bullock
Gentle Fudge
Faithful Cock
Levi Jeans
I have always grumbled about my middle name, but at least I am able to conceal it, apart from those invasive forms you have to fill out that ask you all sorts of things from height and weight to dependents and amount of sex (or was that amount of dependents?).
Word of the Day: Plurinominal - Having more than one name
Quote of the Day: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell so sweet" - (Romeo and) Juliet
What about flower pot as a name! My mother knew someone with that name. And people who change the pronunciation to avoid embarrassment, Mr. Onions, O - Nions, Mr. Sidebottom, Siday - bottam.