Thursday 25 February 2010


It will be 26 days before the worried parents of Vladlena report her missing. It will be two months and three days before her body is discovered, floating out at sea, by a small fishing vessel.

The sea breeze was chilling. The salt stung her eyes, not from the sea spray, but her flowing tears. Vladlena was a mere shadow of her former self. Her eyes bulged, her ribs protruded through her pale skin and wrists bore scars of pain and anguish. Her once beautiful hair was now limp.

Her trembling hands gripped the top of the fence. Choking back the tears, she clambered over and stood on the edge of the cliff. The place was deserted, but for a few nocturnal animals going about their nightly business, foraging for food.

She leaned forward. The breaking waves were dimly lit by the partially covered moon. It was a long way down. Death was certain. She screwed shut her eyes. She could smell the aroma of fresh bread drifting up through the floorboards of her parents bakery. She could hear her mother calling out for her. She could see her brothers playing in the street below, from her bedroom window. She jumped.

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