Monday 15 February 2010

When I grow up, I want to be...

Sadly, this blog entry is not dedicated to the Pussycat Dolls, who I'm told have an album entitled "When I Grow Up".

I can't quite remember what I desperately wanted to be. The are vague memories of being rather keen on becoming a vet, but I think that was just a passing phase and didn't last much longer than a month or so. Not a suitable profession for someone with an entirely rational dislike of horses and other members of the equine family.

It never really occurred to me to pick a career at such a young age and go for it. Perhaps that is where I went wrong! It seems a lot of people never quite fulfill their dream or chosen career path, if this article on Beeb is anything to go by...

BBC Link - When I grow up I'll be a...

Everyone of a certain age should be able to remember the Prudential advert when a plucky little fellow proclaimed that he wanted to be a slug. In case you have forgotten...

I want to be a slug!

The all important question is what do you want to do with yourself for 40 odd hours a week for 40 plus years? Well, that is a $64m question for the likes of me. I am very indecisive at the best of times, I think. I started off by dotting about with a variety of jobs, generally picking location ahead of occupation - not the wisest of battle plans. Soon tiring of not being tested or not actually wanting to be there.

I have reached the grand old age of 29 and now is the time to do something for myself. Forget the online questionnaires that goad you into believing you were born to tinker with spreadsheets. Do something that you love. Live to work, not work to live. I find myself without an occupation, but with a dream and aspirations, as well as a precarious financial position. I intend, despite having a face for radio, to take the acting world by storm. Emails have be sent out (I know! Big step) and research has commenced. It would appear that it is going to be doubly hard as I have no formal training and I am unable to pay a King's Ransom that most acting schools demand. One will have to be inventive and frugal.

Never before had a ever had such a feeling as I did when I was treading the boards of various theatres. The feeling of being alive for the very first time. If you could bottle that feeling and sell it, then you wouldn't ever have to work again. Of course, I could act in my spare time for that buzz, but it is important to aim high. Not everyone is lucky enough to get paid for something they love doing, so I am going to have to try my luck.

Of course, being a rather difficult occupation to break into, I am going to have to find something sensible to pay bills and to tide me over, before the dream commences. So we are back to the age old question... "What will I be when I grow up..." and I haven't decided that yet.

Quote of the Day: "
I will never find any difference between Pele's pass to Carlos Alberto in the final of the 1970 World Cup and the poetry of the young Rimbaud" - Eric Cantona

Word of the Day: Autohagiographer - One who speaks or writes in a smug fashion about their own life and accomplishments.

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