Monday 11 May 2009

A celebrity is a person....

.....who works hard all his life to become well known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognised. (Fred Allen 1894-1956)

Good evening.

Todays Blog is tinged with great sadness as I have just discovered that Katie Price and Peter Andre have called an end to their four and a half year marriage. Seemingly, the article on the BBC website had been misplaced and I soon found it in the 'Entertainment' section. I shall say no more as "both parties would like privacy" that is until the price (no pun intended) is right..!

On a much more serious note, today was indeed a sad day as it marked the 24th Anniversary of the Bradford City fire. 24 years ago, 11,000 fans packed into Valley Parade to celebrate Bradford City winning the league and 56 never returned home. A day of great happiness, ended in tragedy. The inferno took hold of the old wooden stand within a small matter of minutes after it started. Those that died were invariably the old or young, who did not stand a chance of escaping. They were just ordinary people like you and I. Life can be very cruel. Rest in Peace.

Something to reflect upon.

If ever you find you have a spare moment, then it is worth clicking on this link and testing out your vocabulary skills. Not only will you be feeding your mind, thou shall be feeding the hungry.

I am dusting off the cricket bat as I type (not just women that can multi-task) and the Deep Heat is at the ready. Get those picnic hampers out and prepare yourself for some talismanic batting in the glorious sunshine, all type of voyeur is most welcome.

Without further ado...

Swine Flu Watch: Day Four - Slightly runny nose, but resisted the urge to press the panic button.

Word of the Day: Cathexis - Concentration of emotional energy on an object or idea.

Quote of the Day: It ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth - (Ever the Linguist) Rocky Balboa

I am pleased to see I have gained my first official follower. Take a bow, Ms Reynolds.

On that note, I shall leave you all in peace, as I have a job application to finish before midnight and the clock is ticking. Allez vite!

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