Tuesday 12 May 2009

Sorry seems to be the...

...operative word in Westminster.

It seems that the self-righteous Members of Parliament, who have been scavenging over the forlorn corpses that used to run our banks, have had their noses well and truly stuffed deep in the trough themselves and for some time now. Bombshell after bombshell are reverberating across Whitehall, sending the political figures into a mad panic. Something Guy Fawkes never quite managed to do.

Figures set to be released suggest...


£451.34 - John Prescott - Instant Whip, Marshmallows and Um Bongo.
£392.78 - Tony Blair - Ego Polish.
£781.45 - David Cameron - Bicycles (Bicycle locks not included).
£19.99 - Gordon Brown - 'A Dummies guide to accounting and finance'
£9.99 - Hazel Blears - 'UK Pocket Tax Book 06/07' - Later sold on ebay for an undisclosed profit.

One outlandish Tory MP has claimed expenses (£380) on manure! That is 'Horse shit' I hear you say and you would be correct, in both senses. What they must realise is that expenses should NOT be an extension to their salary, but a re-imbursement for unavoidable costs incurred!

A friend of mine has discovered that his local MP has claimed £12,000 for gardening services. He decided to cycle over and speak his mind, only to discover that the MP in question was not in. "Nice garden though" were his words. The next step was to send him an email - only to discover that one of his listed interests (on the MP's website) was gardening!

Oh well. No point getting overexcited about this, I shall vote and my one vote alone shall not make the blindest bit of difference. The sun is shining, the birds are twittering (when not drowned out by buses) and Sussex are getting their act together on the cricket field. News that this summer is supposed to be hot and dry (we have heard that before) has put the spring back into my step. Sorry for those of you that have gardens to attend to, I am being wholly selfish.

Having said that, I spent the whole day gardening in Reigate. Good for the spirit, apart from much of the afternoon was taken up by desperately trying to avoid contact with a malevolent wasp or two. Well it wouldn't be summertime without them, would it?

Swine Flu Watch: Day Five - High fever; cough; runny nose; sore throat; aching body; headache; chills; fatigue; loss of appetite; and vomiting. No, I haven't got any of those.

Word of the Day: Qualtagh - The first person you see after leaving your house/flat/domicile.

Quote of the Day: Get busy living, or get busy dying - Andy Dufresne (Shawshank Redemption)

A warm welcome to my latest official follower, Doug4. Hang in there, things can only get better.

Do have yourselves a good evening one and all.

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